Committed to the local potential
The BELT Plan & Network initiative wants to initiate a collaborative planning perspective for the new region with citizens and local stakeholders in focus - especially the future generation in the region. Through a close collaboration with Urban Planning students from RUC and TH Lübeck, and through collaboration with partners on both the German and Danish, the aim is to create more networking and joint strategies between local actors on both sides of the border and create a new approach to local and regional planning that emphasises the connection between country and city.
Currently only in English. Coming soon in Danish and German
Welcome to the BELT map!
Welcome to the BELT Map!

A Danish-German initiative for a shared, locally anchored vision for the Fehmarnbelt Region.
A Danish-German initiative for a shared, locally anchored vision for the Fehmarnbelt Region.
The BELT platform
One belt.
One region.
Plenty of local potential.
Our mission
The BELT Planning & Network Initiative aims at
● solving the issue of a broad-based shared vision for the Fehmarn Belt Region, which is so far missing.
● connecting regional stakeholders, actors, and interest groups in the process to ensure a public engagement in the development of the Fehmarn Belt Region and facilitating exchange between students (creating a cross-border professional network).
● creating a bottom-up planning and development approach with a broad foundation in the region itself.

A new Danish-German region is taking shape due to the Fehmarn Belt Connection, which is characterized by connecting two mainly rural and periurban areas on each side of the Fehmarn Belt.
From a regional development perspective, this situation represents a unique opportunity to uncover the potential of the entire region and create an overview of local capacities and development opportunities.
Through a network and stakeholder approach, the BELT initiative will seek to create a shared, locally anchored planning vision for the Fehmarn Belt region based on mapping local initiatives and regional perspectives. The BELT initiative focuses on an area stretching roughly from Køge in Denmark to Lübeck in Germany.
The future Fehmarn Belt Region
