Concept 1
E3 - a new formula for Neustadt
The concept presented here, 'E³ - a new formula for Neustadt', takes up the existing qualities of the city and attempts to highlight and enhance them with the help of small interventions and measures. The concept is based on a joint design thinking workshop, in which the results of the joint stocktaking were compiled. The qualities and deficiencies of the city were worked out and based on this, measures were entered into a matrix How, Now, Au and Wow.

Overall, it can be said that Neustadt does not have a mix of uses and that the qualities that emerged from the analysis can still be developed. Following the analysis, measures were developed and the action areas of Experience, Recreation and Accessibility were developed following the criteria of Experimental, Affordable and Simple.
The measures were classified, some of the developed measures fulfil all three criteria, others only one. For more costly activities, it may be possible to find local sponsors or initiatives.
Central Idea

The strategy map shows the three categories of recreation, experience and accessibility. These categories come together at three locations, known as hotspots. These hotspots have been selected as the places with the greatest potential for increasing the attractiveness of the urban fringe in Neustadt. They appeal to young people as well as families and elderly, and are located in already busy areas on the edge of the city.
These areas are connected by the Neustadt fringe, which is already largely in place and can be easily completed. This will ensure good accessibility to the hotspots on the fringe of the city and link up with existing connections to the city centre.

Based on the criteria of being experimental, affordable and simple, several measures were developed to enhance the attractiveness of the urban fringe. In the area of the youth centre, a mountain bike park could be created with the help of an initiative, which could also be of importance beyond the city limits. An events area could be created in the area of the beach, which could be used for various events in the summer and transformed into an ice rink in the winter. Playgrounds scattered around the outskirts of the city could be developed, and green spaces could be transformed into neighbourhood meeting places through simple measures such as picnic areas or seating. The woodland area can be made more accessible with a nature trail and footpaths, and in winter it can be the site of a Christmas market in addition to the town centre.

The "Deepensoll" area in Pelzerhaken was not initially selected as a hotspot in the E³ concept. Nevertheless, various measures can be integrated in the area that emphasize its function as a local recreation area or place of experience. A development did not seem necessary in the context of the concept, since the focus is on upgrading what is already there. On the one hand, more cost-intensive but more experimental measures such as a mountain bike park or a Tiny House settlement can be created on the site, and on the other hand, simpler community-promoting measures such as a meadow orchard or an event area. Here, the set of measures can be adapted according to the individual situation.

Derya Aldogan, Tugce Kücüker, Sabrina Nürnberger, Marieke Petersen, Julia Schulze, Jonas Thiel
Content was developed by students of the Masters in Urban Planning at the TH Lübeck:
